Tag: Middle -East

South Asia
CPEC: Pakistan's Gateway to Economic Growth or China's Gateway to Control?

CPEC: Pakistan's Gateway to Economic Growth or China's...

China and Pakistan share a strong, historically significant relationship, exemplified...

Why US needs to accept multipolar world order with dignity

Why US needs to accept multipolar world order with dignity

Reducing the idea of multipolarity to a balanced or unbalanced distribution of power...

South Asia
China's Belt and Road Initiative and Its Impact on Education Sector

China's Belt and Road Initiative and Its Impact on Education...

In this article, we will examine how China along with other BRI countries is trying...

Middle East & Africa
Can IMEC Emerge as An Alternative To BRI?

Can IMEC Emerge as An Alternative To BRI?

Despite challenges with its execution, the economic potential of the India-Middle...

China in Transition
The Belt and Road Initiative and the Chinese Strategic Thought: Machination of its Suzerainty

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Chinese Strategic...

This article is a part of a three-article series that analyzes various aspects of...

Middle East & Africa
A new era in global economic dominance: India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor vs. China

A new era in global economic dominance: India-Middle East-Europe...

The establishment of the IMEEC signifies a significant event in modern geopolitics...

REPORT: Islamic Extremism in UK: Interview with Charlotte Littlewood

REPORT: Islamic Extremism in UK: Interview with Charlotte...

Usanas Foundation organised an interview with Charlotte Littlewood on ‘The Rise...

In the Battle against Climate Change, Ignorance is not Bliss; it's the Storm before the Storm

In the Battle against Climate Change, Ignorance is not...

The explainer examines the major world events and their specific anthropogenic causes,...

Middle East & Africa
The Evolution of China’s Engagement in the Middle East

The Evolution of China’s Engagement in the Middle East

This paper attempts to evaluate the changes that China’s engagement with the Middle...

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