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Member since Oct 1, 2020

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South Asia
Is the "ASEAN way" effective in dealing with the Coup d'état in Myanmar?

Is the "ASEAN way" effective in dealing with the Coup d'état...

On 1st February 2021, the Myanmar Military staged a coup d'état and took over the...

South Asia
Investigating the Structural Factors Driving Pakistan's TLP (Tehreek e Labbaik) Protests

Investigating the Structural Factors Driving Pakistan's...

In the past two weeks, Pakistan was in a situation of anarchy and lawlessness amidst...

Impact of Demographic Transition on International Relations

Impact of Demographic Transition on International Relations

The world population is both steadily declining and aging, with the share of the...

Indo Pacific & East Asia
Why United States Continues to get QUAD Wrong

Why United States Continues to get QUAD Wrong

President Biden's early scheduling of the historic Quad leaders' summit-level meeting...

United Kingdom: The New Frontiers of Radical Islam

United Kingdom: The New Frontiers of Radical Islam

This paper aims to look into how radical Islam is posing a threat to the multicultural...

South Asia
Pakistan’s Future: Geopolitical Dilemmas, Economic Woes and Troubling Fault Lines

Pakistan’s Future: Geopolitical Dilemmas, Economic Woes...

Pakistan today faces the geopolitical challenge of balancing between the US and...

Indo Pacific & East Asia
India's core challenge is the choice between maritime and continental outreach, not a balance between the US and Russia

India's core challenge is the choice between maritime and...

India needs to make a strategic choice between maritime and continental outreach...

South Asia
A Moderate and Sufi Islam is the Only Way of Living for Muslims in  Multicultural and Democratic Societies

A Moderate and Sufi Islam is the Only Way of Living for...

In spite of the common reverence of both Hindus and Muslims at the Ajmer shrine...

South Asia
Chinese premier Xi Jinping's covert strategy behind Myanmar’s Coup: Experts

Chinese premier Xi Jinping's covert strategy behind Myanmar’s...

On 1st April 2021, Usanas Foundation organized an online panel discussion on the...

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